Freitag, 11. Dezember 2015
Dienstag, 17. November 2015
im Hebst/ H. Heine
Aufgabe. Hör dir bitte ein Gedicht von.H.Heine "Du liebst micht nicht" an.
Aufgabe. Hör dir bitte ein Gedicht von H.Heine "Loreley" an.
Aufgabe. Hör dich bitte eine Geschichte über eine Birke an.
Aufgabe. Lenen Sie /Lern alle Sätze über den Herbst.
Aufgabe. Hören Sie sich die Wörter an und sprechen Sie sie nach.
Donnerstag, 5. November 2015
Grammar. personal pronouns Countries and nationalties
Personal pronouns and possessives
Task 1. Watch a video and do some exercises. Check your grammar.
Task 2. Check your prepositions. Watch a video and do some exercises.
Task 3. Let's learn the definite article.
Countries and nationalities
Task 4. Learn Countries and Nationalities. Write down them.
Task 5. Look at the map and learn many coutries.
Task 5. Play the game and learn the countries and nationalities.
Task 5. Look at the map and learn many coutries.
Task 5. Play the game and learn the countries and nationalities.
Dienstag, 19. Mai 2015
Deutsch mit den Zeichentrickfilmen
Sieh dir einen Zeichentrickfilm über einen kleinen Bären an. Erzähl ihn nach.
Montag, 18. Mai 2015
Games to learn English At the Doctor
Task 1. Games to learn English. Learn the irregular verbs.
Task 2. What are the British like? Watch this video, then click on Exercise 1
Task 3. Lisa in London. Watch this video, then click on Exercise 1
Task 4.Watch the film "Introduction to Do" / Does (Present Simple)
Watch this video, then click on Exercise 1
Task 5. Introduction to "Going to do" Watch this video, then click on Exercise 1
Task 6. Play and learn prepositions.
Task 9. This is a game to help practice prepositions.
Task1. He ist too ill. Watch and learn.
Task 2. Vocabulary exercise. Medicine.
Task 3. At the doctor. Watch and learn. Write down the new words.
Task 4. Listen to the interview and write some words about it.
Task 5. Watch an do many exercises. At the doctor. Treatment.
Task 6. How to talk about health problems. Vocabulary.
Task. Interactive exercises.
Task 2. What are the British like? Watch this video, then click on Exercise 1
Task 3. Lisa in London. Watch this video, then click on Exercise 1
Task 4.Watch the film "Introduction to Do" / Does (Present Simple)
Watch this video, then click on Exercise 1
Task 5. Introduction to "Going to do" Watch this video, then click on Exercise 1
Task 6. Play and learn prepositions.
Task 6a. Irregular Past Simple Verbs.
Task 7. Greetings Sentences Exercise Game
Task 8. This is a basketball game to help practice verbs plus prepositions.Task 9. This is a game to help practice prepositions.
Task1. He ist too ill. Watch and learn.
Task 2. Vocabulary exercise. Medicine.
Task 3. At the doctor. Watch and learn. Write down the new words.
Task 4. Listen to the interview and write some words about it.
Task 5. Watch an do many exercises. At the doctor. Treatment.
Task 6. How to talk about health problems. Vocabulary.
Task. Interactive exercises.
to an interview with a retired doctor, Rajan - See more at:
to an interview with a retired doctor, Rajan - See more at:
to an interview with a retired doctor, Rajan - See more at:
Sonntag, 17. Mai 2015
irregular verbs games
Irregular verbs – Mix 1
Task 1. Practise the Past Simple Tense and Irregular Verbs.
Practise the three forms of the irregular verbs.
Practise The past simple - regular verbs.
Task 2. Practice Verbs Followed by Prepositions.
Task 3. Practice Question Words - What, where, Who, why, when, which, how.
Task 4. IRREGULAR VERBS (mixed past tenses).Make the senteces.
Task 5. Watch and listen. Learn the irregular verbs. Write down the verbs.
Task 6. Complete the following sentences using the verb in brackets (all sentences are in the past simple tense):
Task 7. Past simple affirmative: irregular verbs.
Task 8. English Conversation - simple past regular
Task 9. Watch a film about the wworking day. Say the same in the past simple.
Task 10. Busy days. A Song with verbs. Good night.
Task 11. Watch a cartoon and learn all irregular verbs.
Task 11. Watch a cartoon and learn all irregular verbs.
has just arrived home after a work trip to the United States which
turned into a nightmare - See more at:
In the school / landscape / some / any / anywhere / something
Task 1. Fill in the correct word.
Task 2. Fill in the correct word.
Task 6. Quiz: Some, Any or No? Task 7. Choose the correct word (some or any).
Task. Learn many school things.
Task. We learn the landscapes. Listen and repeat.
Task 2. Fill in the correct word.
Task 3. Choose an answer by clicking on a button.
Task 4. Exercise 1 - Exceptions in positive clauses.
Task 5. Fill in all the gaps with "some" or "any".
Task 6. Quiz: Some, Any or No? Task 7. Choose the correct word (some or any).
Task. Learn many school things.
Task. We learn the landscapes. Listen and repeat.
There is / there are / their / there/ they'are
Task 1. Look at the pictures. Say, what you are seeing in the pictures.
Task 2. Choose the correct answer. There is / there are.
Task 3. Tere is / It is . Write the correct answer.
Task 4. Choose the correct answer.
Task 5. Use the correct answer with there is or there are.
Task 6. Fill in the gaps with either "There is" or "there are".
Task 7. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with 'is' or 'are':
Task 8. Past continuous. Look at the pictures and write the corrct answers.
Task 9. A game. There are / there is. At home.
Task 10. Type the correct answer in the boxes below. Past Continous Tense
Task 2. There are/ there/ they're task.
Task 3. Fill in each blank space with there, they're or their.
Task 2. Choose the correct answer. There is / there are.
Task 3. Tere is / It is . Write the correct answer.
Task 4. Choose the correct answer.
Task 5. Use the correct answer with there is or there are.
Task 6. Fill in the gaps with either "There is" or "there are".
Task 7. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with 'is' or 'are':
Task 8. Past continuous. Look at the pictures and write the corrct answers.
Task 9. A game. There are / there is. At home.
Task 10. Type the correct answer in the boxes below. Past Continous Tense
Task 1. Much/Many. Click on the much or many button for each of the questions below.
Task 3. Fill in each blank space with there, they're or their.
Task 4. Do the exercises below on there, their, or they're
Task 5. Click the answer button to see the correct answer.
Grammar Prepositions of place
Learn the Prepositions of place.
Task 1. Game with the prepositions. Make the sentences.
Task 2. Decide which preposition needs to be used.
Task 3. Tidy up your room! Drag and drop each object into the right place.
Task 4. Food in the kitchen. Find it.
Task 5. Exercise with the prepositions of place.
Task 7. Make the senteces withe prepositions. (hard)
Task 8. Prepositions of Place.
Task 1. Game with the prepositions. Make the sentences.
Task 2. Decide which preposition needs to be used.
Task 3. Tidy up your room! Drag and drop each object into the right place.
Task 4. Food in the kitchen. Find it.
Task 5. Exercise with the prepositions of place.
Task 6. Prepositions of Place: At, In or
Task 7. Make the senteces withe prepositions. (hard)
Task 8. Prepositions of Place.
English with plays
Task 1. Paint a Bedroom. Paint a Classroom. Insects.
Task 2. Make the sentences. Describe people.
Taske 3. Cran's anvantures. Watch and listen.
Task 2. Make the sentences. Describe people.
Taske 3. Cran's anvantures. Watch and listen.
Task 4. The Christmas trip. What countries did a woman tell about?
Task 5. Monkey wants to eat an banana. Write the correct praposition.
Task 6. Click on the correct preposition of time.
Task 7. Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions
Task 8. Prepositions in expressions of time – Exercise.
Task 9. Prepositions of time.
Task 10. Time prepositions exercise.
Task 7. Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions
Task 8. Prepositions in expressions of time – Exercise.
Task 9. Prepositions of time.
Task 10. Time prepositions exercise.
Task 1. Do the exercises below on prepositions of place and time
Grammar exercises
Task 1. Fill the gaps with the Past Simple or Past Continuous of the verb.
Task 2. Simple Past gap-fill exercise. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs (in brackets).
Task 3. English exercise "Story /past simple or continuous".
Task 4. English exercise "Past simple (video)"
Task 1. Choose the correct form of the adjectives.
Task 2. Compare the adjectives.
Task 3. Superlative of the adjektives. Choose the correct form.
Task 4. Complete the senteces with the correct form of the adjectives.
Task 5. Comparison of adjectives in sentences. Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative).
Task 6. Write the appropriate form of the adjective in the brackets.
Task 2. Simple Past gap-fill exercise. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs (in brackets).
Task 3. English exercise "Story /past simple or continuous".
Task 4. English exercise "Past simple (video)"
Task 1. Choose the correct form of the adjectives.
Task 2. Compare the adjectives.
Task 3. Superlative of the adjektives. Choose the correct form.
Task 4. Complete the senteces with the correct form of the adjectives.
Task 5. Comparison of adjectives in sentences. Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative).
Task 6. Write the appropriate form of the adjective in the brackets.
the correct option for these comparative and superlative adjective
sentences. - See more at:
you know when to use
each grammar
structure? - See more at:
you know when to use
each grammar
structure? - See more at:
Comparative and
superlative adjectives
are used differently. - See more at:
superlative adjectives
are used differently. - See more at:
Grammar tasks
Task 1. Past simple. Fill in all the gaps.
Task 2. Fill in all the gaps. Simple Past
Task 3. Complete the sentenses. will - going to Read and complete the text with verbs in the correct form.
Task 4. Learn the correct form of the verbs. Fill the text.
Taskt 5. My summer holidays. Complete the text with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.
Task 6. Write the past form of the verbs in brackets. Mary was in Paris.
Task 7. Complete the text with the past simple of the verbs in brackets. Present Simple/Continuous, Past Simple
Task 8. Narrative tenses. Do a Gap-fill exercise.
Task 9. Do a Gap-fill exercise. A letter to a friend.
Task 10. Write about William Shakespeare with the verbs in the correct form.
Task 2. Fill in all the gaps. Simple Past
Task 3. Complete the sentenses. will - going to Read and complete the text with verbs in the correct form.
Task 4. Learn the correct form of the verbs. Fill the text.
Taskt 5. My summer holidays. Complete the text with the past simple of the verbs in brackets.
Task 6. Write the past form of the verbs in brackets. Mary was in Paris.
Task 7. Complete the text with the past simple of the verbs in brackets. Present Simple/Continuous, Past Simple
Task 8. Narrative tenses. Do a Gap-fill exercise.
Task 9. Do a Gap-fill exercise. A letter to a friend.
Task 10. Write about William Shakespeare with the verbs in the correct form.
Task 11. Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets.
Task 1. Complete the text below with the appropriate tenses. Simple Past / Past Perfect
Task 2. Exercise on Simple Past and Past Perfect.
Task 2. Exercise on Simple Past and Past Perfect.
English listen und learn
Task 1. Listen to the text und do exercises. Beginner's luck.
Task 2. Watch the film und do exrcises. Do many tasks. Richard is in the library.
Task 3. Watch the film "Green is great". Watch and do many tasks.
Task 4. A story about the Banyan tree. Listen and do exercises.
Task 5. Listen "I wandered lonely as a cloud".
Task 6. Read and listen the story "Alberto's New Neighbours"
Task 7. Read and listen the poem " A Wall in Naples"
I have forgotten whatever it was
I wanted to say. Also the way I wanted
to say it. Form and music.
Perhaps it had something to do with - no,
that's not it. More likely, I should just
look at whatever there is
and fix myself to the earth. This wall,
I mean, which faces me over the street.
Smooth as a shaven chin
but pocked with the holes that the scaffolders left
and flicked with an overflow-flag. Which still
leaves pigeon-shit, rain-streaks, washing -
or maybe the whole thing's really a board
where tiny singing meteors strike.
How can we tell what is true? I rest my case.
I rest my case and I cannot imagine a hunger
greater than this. For marks.
For messages sent by hand. For signs of life.
Andrew Motion
Task 2. Watch the film und do exrcises. Do many tasks. Richard is in the library.
Task 3. Watch the film "Green is great". Watch and do many tasks.
Task 4. A story about the Banyan tree. Listen and do exercises.
Task 5. Listen "I wandered lonely as a cloud".
Task 6. Read and listen the story "Alberto's New Neighbours"
Task 7. Read and listen the poem " A Wall in Naples"
Alberto's New Neighbours
I have forgotten whatever it was
I wanted to say. Also the way I wanted
to say it. Form and music.
Perhaps it had something to do with - no,
that's not it. More likely, I should just
look at whatever there is
and fix myself to the earth. This wall,
I mean, which faces me over the street.
Smooth as a shaven chin
but pocked with the holes that the scaffolders left
and flicked with an overflow-flag. Which still
leaves pigeon-shit, rain-streaks, washing -
or maybe the whole thing's really a board
where tiny singing meteors strike.
How can we tell what is true? I rest my case.
I rest my case and I cannot imagine a hunger
greater than this. For marks.
For messages sent by hand. For signs of life.
Andrew Motion
tGreen is Great
of these things do Richard and Roger discuss at the British Library? -
See more at:
story of English starts more than a thousand years ago. Richard goes to
the British Library to hear - and see - how the language has changed
over the years. - See more at:
story of English starts more than a thousand years ago. Richard goes to
the British Library to hear - and see - how the language has changed
over the years. - See more at:
Dienstag, 12. Mai 2015
tests in English
Task 1. There's oder It's – Übung
Task 2. Comparison of Adjektives.
Task 3. much oder many in Fragen – Übung
Exercise 1 - some, any, much, many, a lot of, a little, a few
Task 4. Complete the sentences. can could
Task 5. there is or there are. Complete the senteces.
Task 6. Signalwörter im Simple Past – Übung
Task 7. Conversation.
Task 8. Hairy Henry is a big green monster. It's his birthday. His friends Loony Lou and Gorgonzola want to get him some birthday presents. What will they buy for Hairy Henry's birthday?
Task 9. Match questions to answers
Task 9a. Learn Verbs. Watch the film. The past simple.
Task 10. Group the senteces. Past simple or past continuous
Task 11. Present simple and present continuous. Game.
Freitag, 8. Mai 2015
Tests in English
Task 1. Choose the correct verb forms. Threee form of the verb in the game.
Task 2. Choose the correct preposition.
Task 3. Write the correct prepositions into the gaps.
Task 4. Choose the correct prepositions.
Write the correct answer. Prepositions Exercises Let's learn Grammar.
Simple Present. Write the sentences.
Test on Simple Present 1.
Irregular verbs learn.
Adjectives Comaparative. Write the sentenses correct.
Cartoons watch about the ugly duck.
Past Simple & Present Perfect
Task . Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentences
Weather forecast. Match and learn.Sonntag, 26. April 2015
Im Meer
Hör dir eine Geschichte über eine Perle an. Was hat eine Muschel gesehen?
Das Wunder der Perle
Man erzählt sich die Geschichte einer Perle hier am Strand.
Sie entstand in jener Muschel durch ein grobes Körnchen Sand.
Es drang ein in ihre Mitte und die Muschel wehrte sich.
Doch sie musste damit leben und sie klagte: Warum ich?
Sie entstand in jener Muschel durch ein grobes Körnchen Sand.
Es drang ein in ihre Mitte und die Muschel wehrte sich.
Doch sie musste damit leben und sie klagte: Warum ich?
Eine Perle wächst ins Leben, sie entsteht durch tiefen Schmerz.
Und die Muschel glaubt zu sterben, Wut und Trauer füllt ihr Herz.
Sie beginnt es zu ertragen, zu ummanteln dieses Korn.
Nach und nach verstummt ihr Klagen und ihr ohnmächtiger Zorn.
Und die Muschel glaubt zu sterben, Wut und Trauer füllt ihr Herz.
Sie beginnt es zu ertragen, zu ummanteln dieses Korn.
Nach und nach verstummt ihr Klagen und ihr ohnmächtiger Zorn.
Freitag, 17. April 2015
Samstag, 4. April 2015
Easter in the UK
![]() |
Happy Easter |
Task 2. Read the following story and answer the questions that follow.
Task 3. Read the text, use the vocabulary words to complete the sentences.
Task 4. Watch the film about History of Easter
Task 5. Read the text and do many exercises. Listen to the text, try to write down the informations.
Task 6. Listen to the Easter Traditions and learn so many words as you can.
Tast 7. Easter Bunny brings gifts. Read the text.
holy week, maundy Thursday, good Friday, palm Sunday (passion Sunday), hot cross buns
Sonntag, 29. März 2015
Deutsche Phonetik das 3.Studienjahr
Aufgabe 1. Hören Sie sich die Ballade "Handschuh" von Friedrich Schiller an.
Der Handschuh
Vor seinem Löwengarten,
Das Kampfspiel zu erwarten,
Saß König Franz,
Und um ihn die Großen der Krone,
Und rings auf hohem Balkone
Die Damen in schönem Kranz.
Auf tut sich der weite Zwinger,
Und hinein mit bedächtigem Schritt
Ein Löwe tritt
Und sieht sich stumm
Rings um,
Mit langem Gähnen,
Und schüttelt die Mähnen
Und streckt die Glieder
Und legt sich nieder.
Und wie er winkt mit dem Finger,
weiter ....
Aufgabe 2. Hören Sie sich ein Lied "Es regnet" an. Beachten Sie die Realisierung des langen [e:]. Was für Blumen wachsen im Garten? Welche Jahreszeit ist das?
Der Handschuh

Das Kampfspiel zu erwarten,
Saß König Franz,
Und um ihn die Großen der Krone,
Und rings auf hohem Balkone
Die Damen in schönem Kranz.
Auf tut sich der weite Zwinger,
Und hinein mit bedächtigem Schritt
Ein Löwe tritt
Und sieht sich stumm
Rings um,
Mit langem Gähnen,
Und schüttelt die Mähnen
Und streckt die Glieder
Und legt sich nieder.
Und wie er winkt mit dem Finger,
weiter ....
Aufgabe 2. Hören Sie sich ein Lied "Es regnet" an. Beachten Sie die Realisierung des langen [e:]. Was für Blumen wachsen im Garten? Welche Jahreszeit ist das?
Montag, 23. März 2015
English Listening Material
Listening materials for English learners. The list includes poems and songs.
English Reading Material. Develop your reading skills.
to Learn English Grammar
Task 1. Choose the level to learn english grammar. Do some exercises on-line.
If you need three forms of the verb, you have to go to this link: Irregular Verb Dictionary.
Task 2. Watch the film "Irregular Verbs in English" and write down the forms of the verbs und their examples.
Freitag, 13. März 2015
Sonntag, 22. Februar 2015
Erste Blümchen oder Erwachen Gedicht
Der Frühling
Die Tage werden länger, die Sonne erwärmt die Erde und die Vögel fangen schon in der Früh an zu zwitschern. Die Welt um uns erwacht.
Sprießen in Ihrem Garten auch schon die ersten Krokusse? Sehen Sie die ersten grünen Knospen an den Bäumen? Oder die Vögel, die ihre Nester bauen? Halten Sie diese wunderbaren Naturereignisse durch Ihre Fotos fest.
Auch wenn Sie die Fotos nicht für sich selbst benötigen: Nehmen Sie Ihre Kamera mit an die frische Luft und genießen Sie das traumhafte Frühlingswetter.
Die Vögel beginnen zu zwitschern.
Krokusse sprießen aus dem Boden.
Freitag, 20. Februar 2015
Music Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Composer
Mozart for Children Biography for kids
Watch the film Mozart Mini Movie
Listen to the music.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Composer
January 27, 1756 - December 5, 1791
Classical Period
Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart was born in Salzburg,
Austria, where
his father Leopold was a violinist and composer. Wolfgang was a child prodigy. He composed his first
piece of music at age five; he had his first piece published when he was seven;
and he wrote his first opera when he was twelve. By the time Wolfgang was 6, he
was an excellent pianist and violinist. He and his sister Maria Anna traveled all over Europe
performing for royalty.
When he grew up, Mozart moved to Vienna, and tried to earn a living as a
pianist and composer. But he had a lot of trouble handling the fact that he was
no longer a child prodigy. Mozart was still a musical genius, but after he
stopped being a cute kid, people stopped making a big fuss over him. Back then,
musicians were treated like servants, but Mozart did not, and could not think
of himself as a servant.
Mozart was only 35 when he died. During his short life, he
composed in all different musical forms, including operas, symphonies,
concertos, masses, and chamber music. Today, he
is still considered a genius!

Freitag, 6. Februar 2015
English Dictation
Task 1. Choose one exercise and listen and write as much as you can.
Task 2. Listen and write.
Task 3.Choose one exercise and listen and write as much as you can.
Task 4. Listen and write as much as you can.
Task 2. Listen and write.
Task 3.Choose one exercise and listen and write as much as you can.
Task 4. Listen and write as much as you can.
English Dictation
Task 1. Watch the video"Queen of trees" and fill admissions.
kyewords: seed, story, hunting, home, fruit, inside, above, mature - спілий, few, secret, events, perfume, riverbanks, found - find, wasp, figs
Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015
Zeichentrickfilme zum Sprechen in English and in German
Aufgabe 1. Sieh dir mal einen Zeichentrickfilm an:
Aufgabe 1a. Schreib bitte, wen und was du dir gesehen hast.
Aufgabe 2. Sieh mal dir den Film an:
Aufgabe 2a. Wo sind die Freunde? Was machen sie? Was macht ein Dachs? Sag kurz.
Task 3. Watch a film about Bambi.
Task 3a. What are the friends doing on the ice? Write down, please.
Task 4. A srory about bambi.
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